The end of an era. The end of our innocence.

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   Picture it. Buffalo. The Westside. The upper West side. Grant and Ferry. You’re in your car driving home from work. It’s snowing. The sky is gray. The few leaves that hang on to their respective branches are all brown. You can hear your tires part the slush, like Moses parted the Red Sea, as you navigate home to make your family a hot comforting meal. As you approach the intersection and slow down for the yellow traffic light that is sure to turn red before you beat it, you hear something. You look in your rearview. Nothing. You hear it again. It’s a tap at your window. You turn to face the window and there she is.

       Hair messed up. Cheeks red. Coat open. No socks. Beat up shoes. A white tee shirt. Brown Corduroy pants that call for high tempo music and strobe lights. Claire Gomez. “ You got a dollar pa ?”

    Known to the few who loved her and the many who tolerated her as Claire. For many years now she has been the unofficial mascot and poster child for strength, perseverance, and in a weird way stability in an insane world riddle with unresolved traumas, mental health issues and drug addiction. Only in a world as twisted as the one we live in would we find these qualities in a person that most people would call an undesirable name. She was a fighter. A mover and a shaker, and she represented the resilience of our city believe it or not.

Claire Jhony Onist

     The winters are cold here. Yet we stay. It is a poor city with not much opportunity in relation to other cities. Yet we stay. An earthquake can’t stop us. Blizzards and snowstorms that break records, and call for the aid of the coast guard can’t stop us. Sporadic potholes the size of small creators can’t stop us. The Bills……and yet we still believe. We are the city of good neighbors and we are always willing to push a car or help someone dig themselves out of a snow bank they slid into. This is Buffalo. WE THE MAFIA ! That is the cloth that Claire Gomez was cut from. In her own way a warrior and survivor. But unfortunately, even with all those attributes she was not able to escape her fate on that unfortunate Tuesday evening on Main Street. 

    A car chase that resulted in a shooting on the Buffalo’s East Side where the shots that were fired caused another vehicle to swerve and crash at Utica and Main st, hitting Ms. Gomez and claiming her life. Her death sent shockwaves through the city. Everyone knew immediately. Social Media was ablaze. People argued and fought over who helped her more and who gave her what. Who was there for her in her time of need and who wasn’t. I personally can only remember clearly one time I brought her a breakfast meal at McDonalds on Ferry as I waited for my garbage truck to arrive for work. I worked for the department of public works at the time. I took a picture with her. I can’t find it. Lost. Like hope, for so many people like her. 

       This is more than just a shooting. This is more than just a car accident. This is more than just another addict who died. It wasn’t her time. Again, in her own way…..she was winning. Drugs didn’t kill her. Ignorance did. The ignorance of our youth. The ignorance of the people who have the power to change this but don’t, who do what they can but at times it doesn’t seem like enough for these people, although it does start with the individual. We have glorified these people as characters and forget they are human beings who need help IF they want it. Although many times when help is given it is sub-par. We must do better as a community, city, state, and nation. Many people were affected by her passing. Many people have mourned.

To that say this : 

   Will this change the hearts and minds of the drug dealers who continue to contribute to the degradation of our community and society ? Although

They aren’t forcing drugs on these people the outcome of the action is undeniable. Will this change the hearts and minds of our citizens ? Will they be nicer to the next homeless person or addict they see ? Will they consider mental health when dealing with one of these unfortunate souls ? Will this change the hearts and minds of officials to better make use of the funds allocated to the city for these issuers ? I don’t know, but I hope so. Because if not…..I personally find all the carrying on rather hypocritical. I’m just being Onist. It starts with one. 

    If so… this the end of the crack era as we know it ? I mean….it just isn’t the same without her. When she died, the spirit of it all……died with her. If you’re from the streets……you know what I mean. It’s not crack anymore. Now its high grade THC and designer edibles. Coke is out it seems. Grass is a blast ! I think that’s better anyway. The lesser of two evils. People don’t usually die from marijuana. 

    This is the end of an era and the end of our innocence. That young man who struck her was not the only one to blame. We are all at fault. For turning a blind eye to the needs and pain of our fellow man. For enabling the people we claim to love so much and help them destroy themselves. For making fun and being amused at the turmoil of others. Shame on us. Yes. Shame on us as a whole. Maybe that is why everyone is in such an uproar……because we know it has just as much to do with us as it did with her. 

May God have mercy on her soul. May God have mercy on us all. 

Rest in Peace Claire.

Onistly, Jhony. Aka Jose Rivera